Great Decisions: United States Changing Leadership of the World Economy (Virtual)

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For Session #2-United States Changing Leadership of the World Economy

Under President Biden, the U.S. has advanced new ideas about trade, 

technology, industrial policy, competition with China, and the organization of 

the world economy. For most of the postwar era, the U.S. has tied its global

leadership to cooperative agendas aimed at creating a more open world

trading system, but that has apparently come to an end.

What are America’s options and opportunities as a leader of the world

economy? How will America’s “foreign policy for the middle class” and

strategic competition with China impact its leadership role? How can the 

postwar rules and institutions of the world economy be made safe for

economic nationalism and great power competition?

Great Decisions is America's largest discussion program on world affairs.  It is sponsored by the Foreign Policy Association ( The program involves reading material from the Great Decisions briefing book (articles will be supplied by Bloomfield Public Library, either electronic or print) and watching a video (during the virtual program) and meeting to discuss the most critical global issues facing America today.  This is a series that runs from January until May it is not necessary to attend all of the sessions.  This program is a partnership between Bloomfield Public Library and Seabury. 



The library makes every effort to ensure our programs can be enjoyed by all. If you have any concerns about accessibility or need to request specific accommodations, please contact the library at least one week prior to the event.

Virtual (with Recording)

You must provide your email address at registration to receive the Zoom link. Make sure to leave the box checked that reads: "Send notifications via e-mail." Your registration confirmation notice includes the Zoom link for the program. This program may be recorded.